Sunday, August 30, 2009

The End of the Animal Care Unit


This week we were fortunate enough to begin computer class. Everyone was very excited about going to D-Hall to learn computer skills. Each student has been assigned a typing skills website and a reading website to visit while we are in the lab.

This week's social skills classes have focused on proper introduction procedures. The students enjoyed playing a game where they got to vote whether a mock introduction was polite or rude. The behavioralist, Mrs. Lovitt, was present for one of these sessions and was very impressed.

Also, this week we began studying current events. We discussed everything from newspaper layout to an extensive vocabulary enrichment. (Cash for Clunkers, Michael Jackson, Ted Kennedy, and current health trends were just a few we discussed.)

The highlight of the week was the conclusion of our animal care unit. In Art, we made turtles and practiced various folding techniques. The students loved displaying their turtles in the hall. (By the way, our class pets, Ninja and Yertle, are doing just fine:) We had a special visitor this week, as well. Marshall my daughter's pet lab came to visit the class on Friday. We practiced proper introductions to guests and Marshall got to show off his amazing tricks. Each student also had a chance to get up before the group and give a brief talk about their pet. Probably the most exciting thing for each student was when they got a chance to give Marshall a treat.

This week we also began our spelling units. At this point, the students are all in separate spelling units. As you can imagine, testing took quite some time.

Remember that Special Olympics is September 10, which is a week from Thursday. If you have not returned your student's permission slip, please do so!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

We are off to another exciting school year at OBHS. Our two new students: Dylan and Sara have settled in nicely and are very happy with our group. This week we have been learning school and classroom rules. Students are learning that when you bring Communication Folder, Calendar, and signed papers you may be the spot check person and get a treat. This week we have also done some testing to help in the formulation of reading and math groups. We began a basic Health Unit on Animals. Friday, August 14, we were honored to have Marco, one of the Drug Dogs come to our class. We learned that we have dogs as pets, but that there are also working dogs. The students were amazed at how talented Marco was. While studying the pet unit, class members were excited about our new class pets, Ninja and Yertle (2 red-eared slider turtles). We are also excited about the upcoming event of Special Olympics. This event will take place September 10th. Be on the lookout for release forms to be sent home in the near future. Students are excited about our token economy. They are "paid" for returning signed folders and completing any assignments. At the end of the week, the students are allowed to go to our class store and purchase items with the money they have earned. You can help your young adult earn money by signing and returning their folder daily.